Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Medicine Cabinet

(Published on 17. October 2021, 00:46 by BellBear)

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Digits do not repeat along the green line.
  • Normal thermo rules apply: along a thermometer digits must increase from the bulb end.
  • Digits do not repeat within cages.
  • Within cages the smaller numbers sum to the same total as the bigger numbers (e.g. a 6 cell cage could contain the numbers 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 since 2+4+5+6 = 8+9).
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Solution code: Row 2 followed by row 5 (18 numbers, no spaces)

Last changed on on 18. October 2021, 17:45

Solved by bigger, Elliott810, CastleSheepside
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on 18. October 2021, 17:52 by BellBear
As bigger pointed out, there was a mistake in the previous version of the puzzle.

on 18. October 2021, 08:54 by bigger
Hmmm, That's interesting. I did not expect that few combination.

Solved:3 times
Observed:10 times

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