Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Whispering the Cracktic

(Published on 15. October 2021, 08:46 by vidarino)

Whispering the Cracktic

A little tribute to the Cracking the Cryptic Youtube channel and its wonderful community.


  • Regular sudoku rules apply.
  • Digits along the main diagonals can not repeat.
  • German Whisper lines - digits along the green lines differ by at least 5.
  • Digits in circles must appear in their surrounding 2x2 block.

f-puzzles: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yh4h54dm

CTC app: https://bit.ly/3oIEaUR

Solution code: Rows 8 and 9, no spaces.

Solved by jalebc, pyramidsinmyhead, zorant, robals, Steven R, saskia-daniela, matiasv5, vmirandaa, ysalam2, Ragna, Chelo, ___, SKORP17, skywalker, absolutebeginner, butch02, BellBear, fpac, krash, john9, ... lovely, michaal94, Uhu, Droi, SimiC, Count Knersis, Just me, LehanLehan, fca.felix.sudoku, pepe74287, chain.reader, apwelho, karen_birgitta, fuxia, Debba, sourcedecay, Jodelbanane, Carolin, duckling
Full list


on 18. October 2021, 20:41 by dlindberg3
Nice puzzle!

on 16. October 2021, 21:26 by BHUNTER47
Fun puzzle and great tribute to Simon and Mark!

on 16. October 2021, 01:05 by gamlesvarten
Enjoyed this one, thanks!

on 16. October 2021, 00:06 by TheRiddler
Fun puzzle!

Rating:93 %
Solved:72 times
Observed:9 times

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