Magic squares always bring something special to a puzzle. I hope you will enjoy this one.
The rules for this puzzle:
- Normal Sudoku rules apply.
- Boxes with green backgrounds are magic squares, of which each row, column and diagonal adds up to 15.
- Digits cannot repeat on the diagonal (from top left to bottom right).
- Digits in cages must add up to the small number given at the top left corner of the cage. Digits cannot repeat in cages.
- Cells connected by a white dot have a difference equal to the number given in the white dot.
- Cells with a grey circle contain odd digits.
Click here to solve the puzzle in f-puzzles
Solution code: Row 5 (left to right) followed by column 4 (top to bottom), 18 digits no spaces
Solved by SKORP17, rimodech, wjdrumm, Raistlen, apendleton, HChan, Isa, saskia-daniela, mathpesto, skywalker, Julianl, zorant, mackerel, abed hawila, jchan18, BellBear, ManuH, Nandar, jimblek, S4K, geronimo92, vmirandaa, silent492, Ximota, Crul, Carolin, Saskia, zrbakhtiar, Kenji769, damasosos92, PinkNickels
on 7. December 2024, 03:13 by PinkNickels