Solution code: Row 8 + Row 9 (18 Digits)
on 13. October 2021, 17:14 by zegres
Added German Translation (Thanks Glum Hippo)
on 8. October 2021, 00:33 by zegres
Great job Cyraneo! This is a hard rule set for a beginner solver. I appreciate you doing it.
on 8. October 2021, 00:11 by Cyraneo
I completed my first sudoku about a month ago after watching a lot of CTC videos and, so far, this is the most difficult sudoku I've solved. I had to restart a few times because my logic wasn't sound but I ended up persevering and finishing it after 2hrs and 15mins. Learning this new ruleset and figuring it out was quite a journey, infuriating for a beginner but deeply satisfying. I only wish I were more experienced so I could fully appreciate the work you put into setting what I suspect is a brilliant puzzle. Thank you zegres!
on 7. October 2021, 20:30 by zegres
Thanks minus2ev.
on 7. October 2021, 20:15 by minus2ev
Very nice! At times solving process feels like disjoint sets with a twist :)
on 7. October 2021, 18:15 by zegres
Great Feedback Pibonacci, very happy you discovered the intended solve path. Glad you enjoyed it!
on 7. October 2021, 17:50 by Pibonacci
My solve path naturally revealed the beauty of the puzzle in the following way: after slowly and carefully candidating most cells initially, I had to abandon the first solve after missing a candidate. I restarted and got to the same point in a literal tenth of the time, using deeper and more elegant insights about the new ruleset I learnt during the first solve.
Wonderful puzzle
on 6. October 2021, 21:51 by zegres
Wow, thanks for the comment PleaseIgnore (great user name)
on 6. October 2021, 21:48 by PleaseIgnore
This was such a beautiful puzzle. Personally, I'm a big fan of 159 rules, and the interaction between thermos and 159 rules was genius! Thank you!!
on 6. October 2021, 17:07 by kolot
Very nice interactions between the 159 box rule and the thermometers!
on 6. October 2021, 16:46 by zegres
Added request for feedback.