Inspired by two puzzles of FryTheGuy, I constructed an antiknight arrow sudoku using five 3-cell arrows all of which are rotations of the same shape. This puzzle has a different structure than my previous antiknight arrow puzzles. I hope you enjoy it. Your comments and ratings are highly appreciated as usual!
RULES: Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits along an arrow must sum to the number in the corresponding circle. Digits may repeat along these arrows if allowed by the other rules. Cells separated by a knight's move in chess cannot contain the same digit.
Solution code: Row 9 followed by column 1.
on 21. June 2022, 00:45 by Christounet
Hook5d !!
A very nice and minimalist puzzle ! A classic arrow-antiknight interaction puzzle, with some extra logic to disambiguate the circles. Loved it !
Thank you for solving it! Happy to see that you enjoyed it.
on 28. April 2022, 14:37 by kolot
CTC app link is added.
on 17. October 2021, 19:19 by ecavalli
Beatiful and elegant! Thank you for this one.
Thank you! I am happy to see that you liked it.
on 14. October 2021, 21:52 by Swarley
Made a silly mistake at the beginning so it all broke down a few steps later but I was already hooked on this interesting idea so instead of giving up, I started all over again and managed to solve it properly this time. Thank you for this great puzzle :)
Thank you for not giving up and solving the puzzle! I am happy to see that you liked it.
on 12. October 2021, 12:19 by polar
Very smooth solve - thank you!
It reminded me of these anti-knight puzzles in case you're interested: ID = 0003X5 / 0004O5 / 0003Y0
Thank you for solving the puzzle and for suggesting similar puzzles. I remember the first two puzzles. I have not solved them but I have watched Simon solving them. I have not seen the third one. I will try that one. Thank you again!
Edit: I solved the third puzzle you suggested. It is a very elegant puzzle. It is very interesting that it has received a difficulty rating of 4 stars at that time. Since similar ideas have been used many times since then and we got used to such puzzles, its difficulty would probably be rated as 3 stars if it was published today. Since I got used to such puzzles, it was not too hard for me but I am not sure if I would be able to solve it if I have tried it when it was published.
I too have noticed in myself how I rate puzzles these days compared to previously. It's probably to do with the ease with which one spots a break in, and over time as more beautiful puzzles are published and solved, it becomes easier to spot these things. Particularly if at the time of publishing it's a new idea, which then gets adopted by more people and becomes more 'normal' as you said. I enjoy solving puzzles with less obvious break ins - that aha! moment - which is probably why I too was so taken by FTG's puzzles. That said, I've also solved quite a few older puzzles here recently. Those older 5* puzzles generally have less aha, particularly for non-sudoku puzzles and more sitting down with a puzzle for a few hours (or days!) and each deduction is challenging but an absolute joy all the same. And then you have creators like Phistomefel who take non-sudoku & sudoku variants and combine them to create exceptional aha puzzles mixed with a wonderful logic battle :)
on 12. October 2021, 08:14 by cmb
Exceptional puzzle.
How on earth does this solve, and so elegant and smooth as well.
Good work.
Thank you so much for your kind comments! It made me very happy. :-)
on 12. October 2021, 06:54 by 10feet
I can't believe this solved. Very nice!
Thank you so much for solving it!
on 12. October 2021, 01:02 by filuta
I found the break-in pretty cool, the rest was my usual knight's move struggle, but at least I feel it's getting better. Thanks.
Thank you for solving the puzzle, happy to see that you found it cool!
on 11. October 2021, 17:10 by Playmaker6174
Very smooth and lovely puzzle, I enjoyed it a lot :)
Thank you so much, happy to see that you enjoyed it!
on 11. October 2021, 15:52 by cdwg2000
Very nice!
Thank you!
on 11. October 2021, 12:03 by Piatato
Elegant puzzle! Solves very smoothly! :-)
Thank you for solving! :-)