Here is a slightly different version of Rotationally Symmetric Antiknight Arrows. I hope you enjoy it. Any feedback is highly appreciated!
RULES: Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits along an arrow must sum to the number in the corresponding circle. Digits may repeat along these arrows if allowed by the other rules. Cells separated by a knight's move in chess cannot contain the same digit.
Solution code: Row 1 followed by column 9.
on 12. December 2023, 14:32 by Krokant
Lovely puzzle. :)
on 1. September 2022, 17:05 by Christounet
Very nice anti knight puzzle. Love to do one of those from time to time, and yours always look esthetic and quite minimalist. Thanks
on 28. April 2022, 14:30 by kolot
CTC app link is added.
on 8. October 2021, 00:59 by DVFrank
Very nice construction! :^)
Thank you!
on 7. October 2021, 15:35 by cdwg2000
Very nice!
Thank you!
on 7. October 2021, 15:16 by abed hawila
Very nice, thank you for creating such a fun to solve puzzle!
Thanks for the comment and for solving the puzzle!
on 5. October 2021, 10:39 by kolot
Link to the f-puzzles page is corrected.