Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Miraculous Little Killer: Irregular grid, 4 clues, no givens

(Published on 29. September 2021, 21:59 by Jeet Sampat)

Irregular Little Killer

Try it here.


Each row, column, and 9-cell region (bounded by thick black lines) in the grid contains digits 1-9 once each. Clues outside the grid represent the sum of the digits along the indicated diagonal. Digits can repeat along these diagonals.


The difficulty is actually 2/5, but because of the difficult scanning in this irregular grid, I went with 3/5.

Solution code: Row 8 (left to right) and column 8 (top to bottom). Only digits, no spaces.

Solved by OhHeyGuysItsMax, LKegel, Iluvsodah, Uhu, Mad-Tyas, twototenth, Steven R, SKORP17, Storm, Piatato, krash, vmirandaa, monk, Phistomefel, mchllbrt, kolot, ecavalli, CyberMonkey, BlackApolloX, ArisK, ... BHUNTER47, gamlesvarten, shaggath, bob, mobiustrip, skywalker, 5423addy, mlkj, ParaNox, Corey115, ako, geronimo92, Crul, zrbakhtiar, lutzreimer, justnotafox, asii, Miaocik, me and the paws
Full list


on 11. May 2022, 01:36 by ako
Very different. Lotta fun!

on 1. October 2021, 20:11 by Jeet Sampat
Thank you @Orpheus :)

on 1. October 2021, 18:38 by Orpheus
This was very fun! Great setting.

on 1. October 2021, 00:16 by Jeet Sampat
Thank you @DiMono :)

on 30. September 2021, 23:52 by DiMono
Excellent puzzle. Well done.

on 30. September 2021, 15:49 by Jeet Sampat
Thank you @kolot :)

on 30. September 2021, 09:45 by kolot
Brilliantly constructed puzzle. Everything works out very nicely.

on 30. September 2021, 01:25 by Jeet Sampat
Thank you for your kind words @twototenth and @Mad-Tyas :) I am glad you enjoyed the puzzle!

on 29. September 2021, 23:53 by twototenth
Super fun puzzle from start to finish. Great work!

on 29. September 2021, 23:49 by Mad-Tyas
Really miraculous. Great puzzle!

Rating:90 %
Solved:70 times
Observed:11 times

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