Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Eight Squares

(Published on 26. September 2021, 23:34 by jovi_al)

Another puzzle! Quite pleased with this one, I hope you will be too!

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Digits in marked cages cannot repeat, and must sum to the total in the top left corner.

Play on F-Puzzles.

Solution code: Column 4, followed by row 9.

Solved by SKORP17, Godrick, PulverizingPancake, Greg, djorr, grkles, tallcat, Aaronomys, cdwg2000, cmb, Ood, Steven R, Nunya, katsudon1cho, TotallyNormalCat, Willy Wonka, PixelPlucker, cegie, A FOR BALL, ... Grothenlace, acdlite, lovely, LZGray, michaal94, le bonhomme, AvonD, KNT, zhergan, Just me, Jdt112, mse326, Rotselleri, zorant, PippoForte, Madoka42, P12345, mezkur7, PsychedelicCreature, apwelho
Full list


on 1. October 2021, 18:38 by Annunakki
WOW! It took me an hour to solve but it worth every minute. It has very beautiful logic in it. I enjoyed it.

on 30. September 2021, 22:39 by Phistomefel
Very nice one! Thank you, jovi_al!

Last changed on 28. September 2021, 17:36

on 28. September 2021, 16:52 by Magnive
Thank you for the puzzle, it was quite fun! It took me some time to spot the break-in and then it took me 5-10 minutes before I could properly appreciate it. I like to think that that's a sign of an abundance of cleverness on your part, rather than a lack of it on my end! :P

on 27. September 2021, 22:17 by Piatato
Ridiculously clever puzzle!

on 27. September 2021, 22:03 by cam
Well done! I loved this. You did a great job of making an ordinary partial killer sudoku feel like a fresh and interesting variant :)

on 27. September 2021, 20:16 by Crystal Phoenix
I was quite pleased as well, jovi_al! This one made me smile with every deduction; none of which seemed overly difficult, but absolutely clever nonetheless!

on 27. September 2021, 19:08 by DVFrank
Very very nice! I really enjoyed that! :)

on 27. September 2021, 16:06 by Tyrgannus
What a superb idea, like a quadruple with less/different information

on 27. September 2021, 15:46 by Playmaker6174
Lovely and fun-tastic puzzle, as expected from jovi_al :D

on 27. September 2021, 06:26 by katsudon1cho
Beautiful puzzle with such a minimal constraint! Loved it!

on 27. September 2021, 02:54 by cdwg2000
Very nice!

on 27. September 2021, 02:48 by Aaronomys
I think I've lost my breath! This was such a fun and challenging solve. Thank you for this wonderful construction!

on 27. September 2021, 00:48 by grkles
How dare you make such a clever puzzle? It's quite rude. ;)

Also, hi Simon!

on 27. September 2021, 00:32 by djorr
I just solved a jovi_al puzzle! That was very nice and had some very cool deductions. Thank you!

Rating:97 %
Solved:111 times
Observed:7 times

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