Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Dead End

(Published on 25. September 2021, 11:21 by Joseph nehme)

This one should be fairly straightforward (I think) :)


- Normal Standard Sudoku rules apply.

- Outlined regions are cages. The sum of digits in a cage is given in the top-left and digits cannot repeat.

Link to play below.

F-Puzzle link

As always, your feedback, ratings and comments are highly appreciated :) Enjoy !

Solution code: Row 5 followed by column 3 (no spaces and no commas) ie (123456789987654321)

Solved by Playmaker6174, Cane_Puzzles, cdwg2000, Fred Yamred, Florian Wortmann, mackerel, JohnDoeJersey, Steven R, kolot, idanz, smckinley, Imperial Marcher, Storm, DiMono, Knitabit, TheRiddler, Ood, Mad-Tyas, ... ehollins, abed hawila, twototenth, SKORP17, Pathogenus, DamnedLight, BHUNTER47, koba1917, zorant, skywalker, Vebby, 999ARMEN999, Uhu, KNT, apwelho, morgannamodeaura, Crul, Just me, mezkur7, AvonD
Full list


on 21. May 2024, 12:26 by mezkur7
Sudokupad: https://sudokupad.app/97jrha39qb

Last changed on 31. October 2021, 15:18

on 31. October 2021, 14:36 by Vebby
Beautiful break-in!

@Vebby Thank you :)

on 1. October 2021, 19:53 by Joseph nehme
@BHUNTER47 Thank you :)

on 1. October 2021, 19:42 by BHUNTER47
Well constructed puzzle! Having watched enough CTC the pattern that emerged for the break-in ended up revealing itself quickly to me, which led to a fairly straightforward but enjoyable solve

on 26. September 2021, 15:48 by Joseph nehme
@twototenth Thank you :)

on 26. September 2021, 05:22 by Joseph nehme
@TheRiddler Thank you. :)

Last changed on 25. September 2021, 23:53

on 25. September 2021, 23:50 by TheRiddler
Very satisfying puzzle! Thank you :-)
... although I would certainly say it's 3/5 difficulty, so "fairly straightforward" is in the eye of the beholder ;-)

on 25. September 2021, 13:34 by Joseph nehme
@Florian Wortmann Thank you :)

on 25. September 2021, 13:33 by Florian Wortmann
Very nice exercise.

on 25. September 2021, 12:36 by Joseph nehme
@cdwg2000 Thank you. Yes it is quite a straightforward puzzle. :)

on 25. September 2021, 12:35 by Joseph nehme
@Playmaker6174 Thank you :)

on 25. September 2021, 12:22 by cdwg2000
Easy and nice!

on 25. September 2021, 11:54 by Playmaker6174
Beautiful and enjoyable puzzle hehe :)

Rating:94 %
Solved:40 times
Observed:14 times

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