Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Killer Cave

(Published on 7. October 2021, 06:12 by udukos)

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Grey squares are walls and green squares are cave. Some of the cells must be colored gray so that all gray cells (the walls) are orthogonally connected to the edge and all other (green) cells form an orthogonally connected area (the cave). There may appear 2x2 blocks of gray cells and green cells.

A number in the top left corner of a cell indicates the sum of the digits that are seen from this cell looking to the north, south, east, and west. The cell with the clue counts once in this sum. Walls obstruct the view. A cell with a clue must be part of the cave. Within the field of vision of a clue, digits may not repeat.

Here is a 6*6 example for illustration with a link for solving.

Here is a link to the main puzzle.

If you had like some insight on how to solve cave puzzles, you can watch this video.

Have fun!

Solution code: Row 4 Column 4

Solved by bigger, PixelPlucker, polar, cdwg2000, Tilberg, Phistomefel, Yohann, kolot, Franjo, PulverizingPancake, cmb, MagnusJosefsson, Greg, Jaych, bernhard, Jesper, harrison, marcmees, Vebby, tinounou, SSG, ... lerroyy, twobear, explodingsnail, KNT, Xendari, codewizard, Pibonacci, zhergan, picoton, pandiani42, Tacosian, Vasefire, Agent, Tom-dz, kamkam, Christounet, Myxo, by81996672, Las4one, h5663454
Full list


on 23. October 2023, 12:55 by Christounet
Awesom! Thanks :)

on 25. July 2023, 06:05 by Agent
Very cool puzzle, great execution!

on 22. October 2022, 01:16 by codewizard
That was an absolute joy to solve. Very even difficulty throughout (ie. I didn't get stuck anywhere particular). Very nice interaction between all the constraints, so the different parts grow together, which is what I think makes a variant puzzle great. Thank you udukos!

on 11. September 2022, 19:17 by KNT
I solved this puzzle ages ago, but it seemed that I hadn't for some reason recorded my solve on LMD. Aside from the keystone break-in logic, I largely forgot the solve path, and rediscovering it was great. Please set more :)

on 12. August 2022, 05:34 by explodingsnail
The restrictions made on shaded cells simply by the clue placement is amazing! Great puzzle!

on 9. July 2022, 09:58 by twobear
Great puzzle! Very satisfying solve. Thank you!

on 14. October 2021, 01:02 by Playmaker6174
Wow, I did it, what an incredible puzzle this is!
I just can’t believe how the rule sets interact and how the clues work in this one, absolutely stunning and lovely stuffs. Thank you for this wonderful treat! ;)

on 12. October 2021, 20:05 by Vebby
Beautiful hybrid, Phistomefel-esque. Thanks udukos! :)

on 12. October 2021, 08:29 by marcmees
very nice. thanks.

on 9. October 2021, 16:22 by Jesper
Very cool! The cave logic and the killer logic blend seamlessly.

on 9. October 2021, 12:10 by udukos
Thanks a lot for all the nice feedback! :)

on 8. October 2021, 17:14 by MagnusJosefsson
Very nice and highly enjoyable puzzle!

on 7. October 2021, 13:57 by cdwg2000
Very nice!

on 7. October 2021, 13:54 by polar
I absolutely love puzzles like this and this one was just exquisite. Lovely break in, followed by lots of interactions between the two rulesets and a very clear and enjoyable path. No doubt Simon is going to adore this one too :) Thank you!

Last changed on 7. October 2021, 11:37

on 7. October 2021, 11:35 by PixelPlucker
Killer sudoku and Cave are my two favourite puzzle types! Challenging solve which borrows and combines plenty of logic from both. Thanks for the puzzle :)

Rating:99 %
Solved:54 times
Observed:7 times

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