Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 11. September 2021, 21:58 by PetLov)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

There are four types of clues in and outside of the grid.
They all sum to the same total which must be deduced by the solver.

1. Killer cages
In a killer cage digits can not repeat and must sum to the unknown total.

2. Little killer
Along the indicated diagonal digits must sum to the unknown total and may repeat if allowed by the other rules.

3. X-sum
Where there is an X outside the grid the X first digits from that direction must sum to the unknown total.
X is the digit next to the clue.

4. Questionmark
Where there is a questionmark outside the grid it is either an X-sum clue or a sandwich clue.
A sandwich clue indicates the sum of the digits between the 1 and the 9 in that row or column.

Solve on f-puzzles

Solution code: Row 4 and column 7

Last changed on on 11. September 2021, 22:49

Solved by SKORP17, hamslice, marcmees, StefanSch
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on 12. September 2021, 01:43 by hamslice
Nifty! The puzzle held quality until the end :)

on 11. September 2021, 22:49 by PetLov
Updated german translation.
Thank you SKORP17

Last changed on 11. September 2021, 22:57

on 11. September 2021, 22:43 by SKORP17
zu Regel 3:
Es sollte besser heissen :
Wo ein X außerhalb des Gitters steht, müssen die ersten Y Ziffern aus dieser Richtung zur unbekannten Summe addieren.
Y ist die Ziffer unter/neben dem Hinweis.

*** I don't agree on that. Is it not called X-sums because of the first digit "X" tells you how many digits to add up?

Und litte killer sollte nicht übersetzt werden (kleiner Mörder ist unpassend)

*** Thank you :-)

Solved:4 times
Observed:9 times

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