Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 8. September 2021, 15:00 by PetLov)

There are some non consecutive lines in this puzzle.
I decided to call them DEFCAB lines. DEFCAB is of course a set of consecutive letters not in alphabetic order.
It seemed appropriate to me since the opposite, Renban, is not spelled with consecutive letters. The n in renban even repeats which is horrible.
The colour code for the DEFCAB lines in F-puzzles is #DEFCAB.

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Digits on an arrow must sum to the digit in that arrows circle.

The red lines in the grid are renban lines which must contain a set of consecutive digits in no particular order.

The green lines in the grid are DEFCAB lines which must contain a set of non consecutive digits in no particular order.

The opaque grey squares must contain even digits.

Solve on f-puzzles

Solution code: Row 4 and column 7

Last changed on on 10. September 2021, 09:35

Solved by SirWoezel, SKORP17, davidjshort, StefanSch, Julianl, Ragna, Jesper
Full list


on 10. September 2021, 09:35 by PetLov
Added online solving tool icon.

on 9. September 2021, 14:50 by PetLov
Of course henrypijames is right.
It is in fact nabneR lines.
So much for trying to be original :-)
Regarding the name that is just a reflection of my twisted mind.

Gonna have a go at Zetamaths puzzle now :-)

on 9. September 2021, 14:02 by Ragna
Very fun puzzle! Thankyou :-))
henrypijames is right. I remember Simon with a big knot in his tongue while pronouncing "nabneR".

Last changed on 9. September 2021, 14:47

on 9. September 2021, 13:21 by henrypijames
Isn't this the same as the "nabneR line" introduced by Zetamath recently (in a truly stunning puzzle)?

"DEFCAB" seems to be a really misleading name, since these letter are actually consecutive, but the digits must not be.

I didn't like "nabneR", but I like "DEFCAB" far less.

on 9. September 2021, 08:20 by StefanSch
Zur Klarstellung: Eine DEFCAB-Linie enthält lauter Zahlen, von denen keine benachbart sind. 1492 ist nicht zulässig, weil 1 und 2 benachbart sind. Eine DEFCAB-Linie mit 5 Zahlen kann daher nur die Zahlen 1,3,5,7 und 9 in irgendeiner Reihenfolge enthalten.

on 8. September 2021, 23:27 by Ragna
Tricky idea!
Why not simply ANTI-Renban? :-)

Last changed on 8. September 2021, 17:04

on 8. September 2021, 17:00 by SirWoezel
Not the hardest puzzle, but excellent nonetheless. This has to go on my list of favourites!

*** Glad to hear that :-)
It's a fun constraint that could be interesting in future puzzles.

Last changed on 8. September 2021, 16:42

on 8. September 2021, 16:35 by Enrac Nocilihc
About DEFCAB lines :
- Is 4568 valid ?
- Is 5746 valid ?

I'll try it after work :)

*** No that is not valid. If you rearrange the digits along a DEFCAB line in ascending order the digits still have to be non consecutive.

Solved:7 times
Observed:10 times

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