Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 8. September 2021, 08:24 by mathe42)

  • Standard sudoku rules apply.
  • Digits on thermometers must increase from the bulb to each end.
  • The sequence of digits on a palindrome line have to read the same in both directions.
  • Cells connected by a white dot have consecutive digits. ALL white dots are given.

Solution code: Row 9 and column 1 in succession.

Last changed on on 8. September 2021, 13:49

Solved by zorant, SKORP17, rcg, Nusi, ZetaBean, Kimyee, Nairi, t12345678, Isa, GarGar, Greg, JohnsonM, vmirandaa, root_vegetable, jorgenunez, marsigel, sandmoppe, saskia-daniela, klaugesen, adam001, ParaNox, ... zrbakhtiar, sorendipitous, WanderingArchetypes, Carolin, Jordan Timm, abadx, josemadre, beavr, Thomster, zhergan, drf93, Cezarr, louie.lly, pepe74287, LachyDachy, jchan18, Someguy77, Drawoon
Full list


on 19. November 2021, 17:23 by pipedreambomb
That was a really fun one. Thanks!

on 9. October 2021, 20:34 by Crul
Nice easy one, thanks!

f-puzzles link: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yejv77fl

on 28. September 2021, 19:58 by KyleBaran
Pretty straightforward, but enjoyable. Watch out for the constraint!

on 10. September 2021, 21:38 by bob
The difference between a hard and an easy puzzle is sometimes just reading the directions.

on 10. September 2021, 20:15 by sPaulding
Took me a while until I remembered the constraint.

on 9. September 2021, 01:59 by vmirandaa
Penpa+ https://git.io/JuBOG

on 8. September 2021, 13:49 by mathe42
changed tags

on 8. September 2021, 09:18 by CJK
Since this is a sudoku puzzle, could you please add the sudoku tag?

Rating:86 %
Solved:106 times
Observed:7 times

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