Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Die Bahn ist immer noch pünktlich,

(Published on 7. September 2021, 23:05 by Dandelo)

The train is still on time except at train stations.

Just in time for the German train drivers' strike (well almost) there is a follow up of the station puzzle variant invented by lupo.

Draw a closed, oriented, continuous circular path in the grid. The path connects the centers of neighboring fields and runs exclusively horizontally and vertically. It crosses exactly at the marked places and uses every other field exactly once. At the "train stations" (represented by the numbers or the letter "S") the route must not turn.

Beginning at the starting station "S", the actual arrival times at all other stations are always greater than the numbers given there. The actual arrival time is the length of the distance covered in the direction of travel from the "S", i.e. 1 for the first field in the direction of travel next to the "S", etc. Crossings are counted with each pass. The information at the stations does not give any indication of the order in which the stations are actually passed through.


Solution code: The delay at each station, in the order in which they were passed.

Last changed on on 9. September 2021, 22:05

Solved by zuzanina, Jesper, uvo, Zzzyxas, moss, lupo, ibag, sf2l, jessica6, CJK, polar
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on 30. September 2021, 19:08 by Dandelo
I just noticed that all successful solvers speak German. I've checked the English version, but it looks ok.

on 30. September 2021, 18:59 by Dandelo
Exactly, the train is later than scheduled, but the order is not necessary the scheduled order.

on 30. September 2021, 10:56 by sf2l
Sorry. Just clarifying the rules. as an example, the 17 in R4C7 means that the path will reach that cell in MORE THAN 17 steps. nothing more. Correct?

on 20. September 2021, 12:20 by ibag
Hat echt Spaß gemacht!

on 9. September 2021, 22:05 by Dandelo
Penpa-Lösungskontrolle wieder eingeschaltet. Hatte ich wohl beim Ändern vergessen.

Last changed on 9. September 2021, 21:41

on 9. September 2021, 21:17 by Dandelo
Dann hättest du halt eine Erfolgsmeldung bekommen und gewusst, dass nur ein Lösungscode falsch ist, deiner oder meiner.
Und wenn Swaroop das mal eingebaut haben wird, wirst du mit der Erfolgsmeldung den Lösungscode bekommen und per Copy&Paste eingeben können.

on 9. September 2021, 18:56 by zuzanina
@Dandelo: Äh, nööö, ich löse schon so lange meine Rätsel am Rechner mit Paint (wahrscheinlich bin ich der letzte User), dass ich noch nicht auf Penpa+ eingestiegen bin... ;-D

on 9. September 2021, 08:51 by Dandelo
Penpa+ verbessert! Der Composite Mode war falsch, konnte man ja aber selbst einstellen.

BTW: Für die Lösungskontrolle müsst ihr die Linien grün lassen.

on 8. September 2021, 17:54 by Jesper
Spannendes Rätsel!

on 8. September 2021, 16:57 by zuzanina
Sehr schönes Rätsel, und gar nicht so schwer! :-)

Rating:95 %
Solved:11 times
Observed:4 times

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