Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 14. September 2021, 16:00 by manushand)

Standard Sudoku Rules Apply

Little Killer Sums
A number above or to the left of the grid gives the sum of the digits along the indicated diagonal.

Only one little killer sum is given. The six other little killer sums must be determined using the clues in the colored squares. The sum of the digits in the squares of the same color is equal to the difference between the little killer sums mentioned in one of the colored squares.

For example, the sum of all six red squares is equal to the difference between 72 and the little killer sum that is marked "A" (above column 1 of the grid).

Similarly, the sum of the two gray squares is equal to the difference between the little killer sum that is marked "C" (above column 3) and the little killer sum that is marked "F" (to the left of row 2 of the grid).

Solve Online
Please try the second Minimax Puzzle!

Solution code: Row 9

Last changed on on 8. October 2021, 21:56

Solved by SKORP17, Zombie Hunter, smckinley, Mark Sweep
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on 14. October 2021, 09:07 by Mark Sweep
Very nice puzzle! Do note that in the CTC app, the color in box 8 is misplaced. This made me think I had broken the puzzle a couple of times, so hopefully you can fix it for future solvers.

on 8. October 2021, 21:56 by manushand
Modify lettering per comment on second puzzle.

on 5. October 2021, 09:04 by Zombie Hunter
Nice concept. Hard to color ;)

on 16. September 2021, 05:55 by manushand
Changed little killer designations to letters (thank you, SKORP17!)

Solved:4 times
Observed:11 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool Arithmetic puzzle

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