Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 7. September 2021, 19:44 by Nahileon)

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Killer: Digits in cages must sum up to the given clue.

Palindrome: Digits on a green line form a palindrome. They must read the same from either end of the line.

Thermometer: Digits along the thermometer must increase from the bulb end.


Solution code: Row 9 in the Sudoku.

Solved by Steven R, SKORP17, Maxima, OutOfMyMindBRB, Krokant, Elliott810, Dentones, ___, DiMono, cfop, tomate94, cdwg2000, PulverizingPancake, rmahus, katsudon1cho, parkinson, PureImprov, Pater, Strosahl, Tilberg, Aaronomys, galgamer, wenchang, bob, davidagg, Piatato, zorant, sf2l, Uhu, ManuH, StefanSch, lovely, Vebby, LadyRuatha, Qodec, Just me, PsychedelicCreature, Sewerin, mezkur7, apwelho, finger
Full list


on 8. September 2021, 22:19 by Nahileon
Thank you!

on 8. September 2021, 19:02 by DiMono
Excellent puzzle. I loved the break-in.

on 8. September 2021, 08:03 by Elliott810
Brilliant puzzle!

Rating:88 %
Solved:41 times
Observed:5 times

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