Lately 159 Sudokus have gained popularity in the CTC-Discord-Server. I really like the variant, I also really like Sandwich Sums, so I made a puzzle using the two constraints! Have fun :) PS: Thanks Virtual for the puzzle's name!
-) Standard Sudoku rules apply (place the digits 1-9 once each in every row/column/box)
-) 159 rules: Digits in column 1/5/9 index the position of 1/5/9 (respectively) in their row (e.g. 7 in R4C1 => 1 in R4C7; 3 in R8C5 => 5 in R8C3; 6 in R5C9 => 9 in R5C6)
-) Sandwich sums: Clues outside the grid give the sum of all digits 'sandwiched' between the 1 and 9 in their row/column
Solve online: (coloured) | (wihout colour)
Solution code: Row 8 (left to right) followed by column 7 (top down).