Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

X-panded (Diagonal Sudoku)

(Published on 6. September 2021, 20:36 by Sktx)

==== LINKS ====

F-puzzles - CtC app - SudokuLab

==== RULES ====

Diagonal Sudoku rules apply : Fill the grid with digits 1 to 9 appearing each exactly once in every row, column, 3x3 box and marked diagonal.


Thanks a lot to many folks from the Cracking the Cryptic discord server, for the layout idea, good advices, and giving precious feedback on the puzzle.

Solution code: Digits from row 5 (left to right) and then column 6 (top to bottom). No space, 18 digits in total.

Solved by Fedo , barer, SKORP17, Florian Wortmann, SudokuExplorer, marcmees, StefanSch, kkli, vmirandaa, Isa, cfop, cdwg2000, stealthg0d, rcg, Kigor, zorant, Arka Badarka, Uhu, zhergan, rey, ManuH, geronimo92, morgannamodeaura, lerroyy, apwelho, juventino188, Procrat
Full list

Rating:81 %
Solved:27 times
Observed:12 times

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