Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Cutting Corners (by jovi_al & Qodec)

(Published on 4. September 2021, 10:44 by Qodec)

That's right, a jovi_al and Qodec collaboration!

  • Normal sudoku rules apply: each row, column, and region indicated by thick borders in the grid must contain the digits 1 to 9 once each.
  • German whispers: adjacent digits along each line in the grid must have a difference of 5 or more.
  • Killer cages: an area surrounded by a dashed line is a 'killer cage'. Digits in a cage cannot repeat and sum to the number in the upper left corner.
  • Diagonals: both indicated diagonals in the grid must contain the digits 1 to 9 once each.

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Hope you'll enjoy.

Solution code: Rows 4 and 6. I.e. the 9 digits in row 4 from left to right, followed by the 9 digits in row 6 from left to right, for example: 123456789123456789

Solved by Playmaker6174, Tyrgannus, weiken, SKORP17, cfop, Piatato, Grothenlace, ArchonE-mobile, OhHeyGuysItsMax, clohrmann, purpl, PulverizingPancake, twototenth, polar, Elliott810, mikisoimba, wenchang, ... Phistomefel, koba1917, Vebby, StefanSch, abed hawila, Snow the Jam Man, CronullaMax, Novisnage, AvonD, Sewerin, miraflores, Megalobrainiac, Bellsita, Jdt112, Just me, Bobbobert, StephenR, apwelho
Full list


on 8. November 2021, 15:09 by abed hawila
Just stunning construction! couldn't expect less from two genius setters. Thanks Qodec and jovi_al!

Last changed on 16. September 2021, 00:31

on 16. September 2021, 00:21 by Phistomefel
That was a delightful puzzle with many beautiful moments. The entry was well telegraphed, but quite surprising nontheless. Thank you so much for creating this gem, Qodec and jovi_al!

on 13. September 2021, 03:23 by tallcat
Wonderful and elegant - but i would expect nothing less from two great minds!

on 5. September 2021, 16:06 by cdwg2000
Very nice!

on 4. September 2021, 21:14 by purpl
I spent a long time on this puzzle and live test solving as the first tester in front of several people was nerveracking. I eventually figured it out and I am so proud that I did. What an incredible puzzle!

on 4. September 2021, 20:52 by clohrmann
Midway through the puzzle, I got stuck for a long time and finally just bifurcated only to break the puzzle in the process on both paths. I unwound it and started over and finally realized an actual way to break through. The puzzle was a joy after that realization. Thanks to both of you for the wonderful puzzle!

on 4. September 2021, 11:35 by Playmaker6174
This puzzle was such a joy to solve, was a bit careless during mid solve but still I really really enjoyed it :)

Rating:97 %
Solved:52 times
Observed:10 times

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