Solution code: Enter the 4th row and 6th column
on 5. September 2021, 22:46 by SudokuExplorer
@Dina: Thanks! Yeah, experienced solvers of irregular sudokus will probably find this to be 2 stars difficulty. :-)
@KMRD: I'm glad you enjoyed the interactions of arrows via the irregular regions. :-)
on 5. September 2021, 16:27 by KMRD
Some very unique interactions!
on 4. September 2021, 17:53 by Dina
It was quite easy when I finally discovered the right ideas. Really nice!
on 4. September 2021, 09:47 by Playmaker6174
Very smooth and enjoyable puzzle, didn't have much trouble with it :)
I'm really glad it went smoothly! :-)