Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 2. September 2021, 00:09 by Shinya)

Sometimes, bright lights appear in a blue sky, centered around the sun...


Normal sudoku rules, normal killer sudoku rules (numbers in dotted cages sum up to the number given in the top left corner), and normal little killer sudoku rules (numbers on the diagonals indicated by arrows sum to the number given, digits can repeat on diagonals) apply.

Thanks a lot to Piatato for testing and feedback!

Have fun!


Solution code: Row 2, column 8

Solved by Piatato, cdwg2000, TotallyNormalCat, PulverizingPancake, Dentones, Kimyee, ___, cmb, kolot, Sktx, FryTheGuy, galgamer, polar, Willy Wonka, Qodec, tinounou, Phistomefel, bob, PotatoHead21, chuffinora, ... Leonard Hal, laky, Kappa6174, ysbg123, flyjim, zhergan, zhugelianglongming, pandiani42, pkp, Wooden_Picks, billy49, clover, Aeterrno Amora, apwelho, lpq29743, mezkur7, matter, steeto, valle1124, SXH
Full list


on 8. September 2021, 00:32 by chuffinora
Great puzzle! Probably the hardest puzzle I have managed to solve.

on 7. September 2021, 12:44 by Phistomefel
The puzzle unfolds beautifully. Thank you for constructing it, Shinya!

on 6. September 2021, 09:23 by Willy Wonka
Superb! Reminds me of ahaupt's marathon puzzle, there is a lot more to the puzzle than the break-in and it is all incredible! Very beautiful solve

on 4. September 2021, 21:48 by Sktx
Wow. That was brutal - in the good way. Magnificient break-in, making the most of each clue. Brilliant puzzle !

on 3. September 2021, 18:03 by kolot
One of the best break-ins I have ever seen.

on 2. September 2021, 06:44 by cdwg2000
Very nice!

on 2. September 2021, 00:14 by Piatato
Terrific puzzle! :-D

Rating:99 %
Solved:66 times
Observed:7 times

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