Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

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(Published on 30. August 2021, 21:25 by PetLov)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

In boxes every side of the box that is facing an orthogonally adjacent box must sum to the same total.

In cages digits must sum to the small number in the upper left corner.

The line in the center box is a renban line that must contain consecutive digits in no particular order.

Solve on f-puzzles

Solution code: Row 1 and column 9

Last changed on on 31. August 2021, 19:59

Solved by SKORP17, zhergan
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Last changed on 19. September 2021, 19:29

on 19. September 2021, 13:37 by StefanSch
Can you the box-rule in an example? Which sums have to be equal?

*** If we think of the sides as North, East, South and West then in box 1 East must have a sum equal to South.
In box 2 W=E=S. In box 3 W=S. In box 4 N=E=S. In box 5 all sides are equal. In box 6 N=W=S. In box 7 N=E. In box 8 W=N=E. In box 9 N=W.

Last changed on 1. September 2021, 13:24

on 1. September 2021, 00:46 by zhergan
Really a very nice concept. Very well designed. Thanks..

*** Thank you for the feedback zhergan. It means a lot to me to hear that you liked the puzzle. It has so few solves so I started wondering if it is no good but it has to be if one of the top solvers says so :-)

on 31. August 2021, 19:59 by PetLov
Corrected german translation.

Solved:2 times
Observed:10 times

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