Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Tangled Arrows III: Pfeilstorch (Arrow + kropki sudoku)

(Published on 21. August 2021, 21:40 by Aspartagcus)

Another entry in my tangled arrows "series". :)

A Pfeilstorch is a stork injured by an arrow while wintering in Africa, and returning with it to Europe. The first Pfeilstorch was crucial in understanding the migration of European birds. Before it, some people believed that migrating birds turned into other animals during the winter.
(I hope it's somewhat clear that the arrows depict a stork with an arrow through its neck...)

- Standard sudoku rules apply.
- Cells connected by a white dot contain consecutive digits.
- Digits along an arrow sum up to the digit in the circle of that arrow. You will have to disambiguate which end of an arrow goes with which circle. (All arrows can be fully seen, none of them go behind the circle of another arrow.)


Links to solve it online:
Penpa+ (with answer check)
CTC app

Solution code: Row 2 and column 2 in succession.

Last changed on on 26. August 2021, 15:25

Solved by SKORP17, Vebby, henrypijames, ymhsbmbesitwf, StefanSch, Arka Badarka
Full list


on 26. August 2021, 15:25 by Aspartagcus
Changed f-puzzles link.

Last changed on 22. August 2021, 15:22

on 22. August 2021, 12:42 by henrypijames
Do the rules allow R5C4=R4C4+R3C3 and R5C5=R4C4+R3C4+R2C4 ?

That would go against the Pfeilstorch metaphor, but I don't see anything in rules specifically forbidding it.


Yes, that is allowed. :)

Last changed on 22. August 2021, 18:40

on 22. August 2021, 07:09 by henrypijames
For those interested in the crazy (but true) story on how incredibly late (after the invention of the telegraph!) we humans learned about the migration of birds - only thanks to the Pfeilstorch, I highly recommend the podcast "The Constant", episode 2:

Why Do Birds Suddenly (Dis)Appear?

A slightly improved version of this story was (together with others) recently retold in milestone episode 100 of the podcast, which revisited some of the older episodes for minor corrections and narrative refinement.


Very interesting listen, thanks for the link!

Solved:6 times
Observed:8 times

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