Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Irregular dotless Kropki

(Published on 21. August 2021, 10:00 by Phistomefel)

This puzzle is a Kropki sudoku with irregular regions.

In every row and column and in every bold bordered area, each number from 1 to 9 occurs exactly once. The numbers of two orthogonally adjacent squares may not be consecutive, nor may they be in a ratio of 2:1.

The puzzle is also available online via F-Puzzles. Have fun solving!

Solution code: 1st and 5th row

Last changed on on 21. August 2021, 17:52

Solved by Playmaker6174, Farkov, Fedo , polar, cfop, Joseph nehme, MavericksJD, Kigor, SKORP17, cdwg2000, Mark Sweep, Dentones, riffclown, SudokuExplorer, smckinley, FloH, Qodec, avishai, Jesper, Mathaccit, ... pirofenix, Puzpensu, Bobbobert, GemmaOane, SXH, P12345, Azumagao, Calesch, Sewerin, AaronB, ryanprobably, karlmortenlunna, teuthida, jseng, Christounet, Krokant, seh_bas, Noxy78, erkiraak, lpq29743
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on 17. April 2024, 14:32 by Krokant
Ein wirklich superschönes Rätsel. :)

on 17. April 2024, 11:19 by Christounet
Clever setup ! Thanks :)

on 13. August 2023, 22:59 by GemmaOane
Phistomüfel machen sehr gute Puzzles

on 25. July 2022, 18:01 by Rollo
Pünktchenrätsel ohne Pünktchen sind toll!

on 19. October 2021, 14:44 by dissonance
This puzzle is a gem of his kind, congratulations.
Thanks for sharing.

on 3. September 2021, 17:06 by Mody
Das war wunderschön und hat Spaß gemacht.

on 26. August 2021, 01:31 by dmacho24
This was my first ever irregular sudoku and although I got a little help from Simon I completed it mostly by myself! Awesome puzzle!

on 25. August 2021, 15:53 by Klausku
Wunderschön, wie immer. Ich hab allerdings ziemlich lang gebraucht und dabei fast alles eingefärbt. Danke und gerne wieder in höherer Puzzlefrequenz :)

on 24. August 2021, 23:47 by Raumplaner
schön, dass du wieder aus der Pause zurück bist!

on 23. August 2021, 00:59 by Piatato
Oooh, what a lovely puzzle! I had a very nice time solving it. Very clever ideas!

on 22. August 2021, 18:49 by henrypijames
Well, I love irregulars, and indeterment ones ("chaos construction") even more. Phistomefel's CC have always been brilliant (including the one that initially had a "lost path to nowhere", haha), and I hope to see a new one soon.

on 22. August 2021, 18:21 by tallcat
Found this one hard, but Irregular always melts my brain if i'm honest. Some lovely and very clever interactions!

on 22. August 2021, 16:32 by Gullie
Yay! I completed a Phistomephel puzzle all on my own! Great approachable puzzle, loved it.

on 22. August 2021, 05:49 by DiMono
I did this one the hard way. I knew the completed grid would look like that in some way, but I didn't take the time to prove it ahead of time. Excellent puzzle as always.

on 21. August 2021, 20:39 by Qodec
That was something extraordinary. Thank you very much!

on 21. August 2021, 19:57 by FloH
Richtig gutes Puzzle. - wie immer. Freue mich schon auf Simon

on 21. August 2021, 18:24 by riffclown
I like the way the Region Shapes interplay. Nice Puzzle.

on 21. August 2021, 17:44 by Phistomefel
Thank you very much for the nice feedback, folks! :)

on 21. August 2021, 13:56 by MavericksJD
Great puzzle using my favorite variant

on 21. August 2021, 13:42 by Joseph nehme
Excellent puzzle as always :)

on 21. August 2021, 11:32 by Farkov
That was a great use of such a limiting ruleset. Very nice Thomas :)

Last changed on 21. August 2021, 13:21

on 21. August 2021, 11:21 by Playmaker6174
This is definitely one of the most minimal puzzles that I've ever dared to try, it gave me goosebump every time I discovered something new, loved every second of the solve. Thank you for this enjoyable puzzle! :)

Rating:96 %
Solved:158 times
Observed:11 times

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