Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 20. August 2021, 00:17 by Nordy)

To solve this puzzle, you must draw a snake in the grid. The snake is a 1 cell wide path that cannot touch itself orthogonally, but may touch itself diagonally. The two circled cells are the ends of the snake.

All cells that are not part of the snake must be part of a tetromino. The tetrominoes cannot touch orthogonally but can touch diagonally. Tetrominoes may repeat.

The red tetromino to the left of the grid is purely cosmetic.

Tetrominoes for reference:

You can solve on Penpa+ (color the snake green and tetrominoes gray for answer check).

Solution code: The total number of tetrominoes in the grid, followed by the number of snake cells in the bottom row.

Last changed on on 20. August 2021, 18:27

Solved by Greg, Jesper, Raistlen, tlgeotau, CJK, marcmees, Realshaggy, Voyager, Dandelo, zorant, saskia-daniela, SudokuExplorer, Zzzyxas, Lizzy01, skywalker, moss, bob, ymhsbmbesitwf, qiuyanzhe, uvo, Joo M.Y, ... digital_lighting, yttrio, captnblacky, teff, Javier Rebottaro, Drawoon, Mastersof3, Calesch, Eken, hirassy, permafrostyx, arangues, nicuber, Zedarflight , bereolosp, chien2000gl, Jastucreudo
Full list


on 19. May 2024, 18:52 by Drawoon
I really like the art :)

on 25. May 2022, 03:48 by thatkyle
I had a lot of fun with this puzzle. I initially tried drawing paths that outlined the shapes of different tetronimoes and had a lot of difficulty making any sense of the puzzle, which made me think that this puzzle was going to be a difficult solve for me (I am a beginner-intermediate level puzzler). But then I switched my approach and started putting the tetronimoes down first with a pathway through them, and the solution clicked very quickly. This gave the puzzle an interesting dynamic of initially seeming very difficult, but then becoming very easy, which I enjoyed.

10/10 would recommend

on 20. August 2021, 18:27 by Nordy
Fixed typos and clarified solution code.

Last changed on 20. August 2021, 18:27

on 20. August 2021, 10:18 by Realshaggy
What is going on here? Am I the only one too stupid for the solution code?

Edit: It's the total number of Tetrominos. Not the number in the bottom row.

--I appreciate the feedback. I've updated the solution code to be more clear.

Rating:79 %
Solved:137 times
Observed:5 times

Beginners Path puzzle Shading puzzle Tetrominoes

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