Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 19. August 2021, 20:42 by bigger)

This idea came from RockyRoer

Standard sudoku rules applies. Fill the grid with numbers from 1 to 9 so no repeated digit in every row, column and 3x3 box.

The digit outside is the mean of the first x digits in that direction where x is the first digit.

All integer clues are given.

Statistics review:

  • The arithmetic mean is the 'average' of the numbers - add them up and divide by the number of numbers.
    • For 3, 4, 4, 9 the mean is 5.

    (yep, I just copy and paste it. It's clearer than what I might say)

This puzzle is made by Old Miles from China. I was going to post it, but um, the puzzles followed by the previous one is kind of breaky, or I’m not in the right solving mood, which is more possible. Thank god recent puzzles don’t have that interesting ruleset, so I just need to emp up my standard to save my time.

As for this puzzle, it’s just a rush of ideas. I’ve been doing a lot of puzzle sorting these days. I found every variant has a close kin, like killer and little killer, introducing repeated digits. So is there another pair of variants only has a repeated digit difference. Arrows, of course. Arrow with no repeated digits, that’s outside clues, or more specifically x-sum, which has a length. And that means every x-sum variant can be an arrow variant. This also opens a new gate. The outside clues and inside clues variant, if one is possible then the other side should also be possible.

Also, I’m been setting puzzles recently. The next series is not hard, because I use the old solution-begin tricks, it’s just hard to find one without multiple solution. Now here’s a question for you, would you like an insanely easy puzzle? I can grantee it’s not something you see everyday and it might boost a false confidence over the whole similar type, which would be really frustrating in the future. I just want to know if anyone would appreciate an easy puzzle from me without any story cover.

Anyway here’s the puzzle I found interesting between mine. The others, either I’ve seen those before or just not satisfy enough for me to recall.

straight sum arrow(manushand), the first one is easier to understand, the latter ones, do I have to describe those?

nonogram sum(panthchesh)I break it way too many times, I gave up.

hmmm(jneen)It’s been a long time since I see a rule showed like this. The last one I remember was around Christmas

cobra(Godrick)It’s a snake variant. Good luck finding one in recent puzzles.

Hidden black dot(jwsinclair)Good old hidden dot. Dejavu. I think black dot is more enjoyable than white.

Greater arrow(toadunloader)Familiar, right. And still, no solution code. Will he come back?

connon(PrimeWeasel)Minesweeper. Just saying, I’m still waiting for the circuit board idea to come back.

longest ascending subsequence(DVFrank)highly underrated puzzle. I don’t know why there’s only 2 solve. It’s really really weird. Especially compared with similar puzzle. Has new variant already loose it’s charm?

imaginary grid(kolot), some experience, once you get the rhythm, it’s really smooth.

not precise sum(ymhsbmbesitwf), killer variant, miss those days, and probably the easiest killer I’ve seen here.

circles between sum(zetamath), look at the grid, that’s clean.

knight tour region drawing(filuta), good old region drawing. Still I’m very not on board with the term, chaos construction. It sound really stupid in Chinese, very Cyunibyou. We just called it region drawing.

Also please leave a comment telling whether I should post an insanely easy puzzle or not.

comment 2022:i think around this time, i push myself too hard to solve puzzles. checking my prevoius comment is kind of funny.there's defintely something to improve in those puzzles, and i didn't mention any of it, which is probably i get scared when people notice my comment. probably the reason why i didn't do it afterwards. but i guess at that time, i feel all puzzles are boring, some attempt is better than none. still remember some people in China doubt I know how hard in his puzzle. it's actually simple, if i see it and know i not only think of it but also can do it, that puzzle fails. in the past, i probably only end at if i can think of it. now, it's a lot systemize than i expected. but thereš a high chance i'm the only one using the system. letš see if i'll change my hubris after a year.

Solution code: row 6 and column 2(18 digits)

Last changed on on 12. October 2022, 21:03

Solved by Jesper, Greg, marcmees, SKORP17, SudokuExplorer, Piatato, RockyRoer, filuta, bob, PetLov, Julianl, ParaNox, Richard, Statistica, r45, Nothere, misko, kishy72, juventino188, moeve, HolyFracker, sinchai4547, qw014052, mahdiosm
Full list


on 14. December 2022, 05:27 by Richard
Very nice idea; I found it a lot harder than the current three stars.

Last changed on 24. August 2021, 03:30

on 23. August 2021, 17:42 by filuta
oh, I really enjoyed this one, and it was actually quite hard for me. some good stuff with the negative constraint too.

btw, do you know what is the origin of the term chaos constraction? I really wonder.

and yes, you should definitely post an insanely easy puzzle, if you ask me.

Bigger: I don't know the origin but I really don't like the execution. There are many puzzle with different ruleset who called themselves this name. For me, it's a lazy naming. It's like calling every Sudoku variant with the name variant. Another thing is, It's a dead name. There's No way you can add adj. or some change of wording to this name. And it already has too many syllables. Seeing this name is like seeing 'new Sudoku variant'. Another thing is I never saw the actual chaos, there's always a thread leads through the whole puzzle, not multiple intertwined thread. The rules are clean, so where's the chaos? I just don't buy the concept of this naming.
Another thing is translation. It's just so hmmm in Chinese. I can't see why anyone would name his puzzle this in China. It probably make sense in other language, but definitely not Chinese.

Last changed on 20. August 2021, 15:47

on 20. August 2021, 14:47 by RockyRoer
I liked it. Glad the negative constraint played a nice role. Hope to see an x -medians someday.

Bigger:hmmm, that's interesting. There can be two interpretation of the x median, reorder or remain the same. Naming these two would be really tricky. I'll ask Old Miles about it, see which rule he'd prefer. If he like the idea, then the next one would be x-median

on 20. August 2021, 11:24 by Piatato
Oooh, very nice! I had a lot of fun figuring out the little tricks that were needed in order to solve this.

on 20. August 2021, 03:34 by bigger
Small change

Last changed on 19. August 2021, 22:24

on 19. August 2021, 22:20 by SKORP17
1 to 6 ???

Rating:93 %
Solved:24 times
Observed:13 times

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