Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

8 isn't 8 / 8 ist nicht 8

(Published on 18. August 2021, 23:44 by Zombie Hunter)

Title: 8 isn't 8
Type: Sudoku
Link: Penpa+ link to 8 isn't 8 Sudoku You may use Normal/Large/Medium/Small Blue, Green, or Red numbers in any combination.
Link: F-puzzles link to 8 isn't 8 Sudoku
Link: CTC app link to 8 isn't 8 Sudoku
Variants: Renban, Palindrome, German Whispers, Little Killer, Killer Cages, Odd/Even, Maximum, Clone, Kropki, XV, Arrow, Thermo, Between Lines, Sandwich

Standard rules for everything EXCEPT 8 isn't 8. That digit is an imposter! The digit 8 has another value that the solver needs to determine. Could it be 17? Maayyyyybe. Is it 2? (No!) Everywhere in the puzzle where you see an 8, you need to mentally place the discovered value in its place to work out the clues.

Example, it you discover 8 has the value of 17 and you have an "8" cage, the digits in the cage could be 9 1 3 4. A 2-digit "20" cage would be 8 3.

There are no negative constraints of any kind.

1) Sudoku

  • Place the digits 1 through 9 once each in every row, column, and box.

2) Renban

  • Numbers along the purple Renban lines must be consecutive, but in any order, and cannot repeat.

3) Palindrome

  • Numbers along the grey Palindrome line are symmetric about the middle.

4) German Whispers

  • Adjacent numbers along the green German Whispers line must have a difference of 5 or greater.

5) Little Killer

  • 5.1) Digits along the indicated diagonal must sum to the total (87).
  • 5.2) Digits may repeat along the diagonal.

6) Killer Cages

  • 6.1) Digits in a killer cage add to the total in the top left.
  • 6.2) Digits cannot repeat in a cage.

7) Odd/Even

  • 7.1) Digits in a grey circle are odd.
  • 7.2) Digits in a grey square are even.

8) Maximum

  • The digit in the grey square with the out-facing arrows is greater than the four orthogonal cells.

9) Clones

  • The two 2-cell purple regions are exact clones.

10) Kropki

  • Two cells adjacent to a black dot have a ratio of 1 to 2.

11) XV

  • 11.1) Two cells adjacent to an X sum to 10.
  • 11.2) Two cells adjacent to a V sum to 5.

12) Arrows

  • Numbers along an arrow sum to the number in the connected circle.

13) Thermometer

  • Numbers along a thermometer strictly increase the from the bulb.

14) Between Lines

  • The numbers along a between line must be between the circles at the ends.

15) Sandwich

  • A number located on the outside of a row or column indicates the value of the sum of the numbers between the 1 and 9 in that row/column.


  • Shade the cells of the cages in 3D XV Kropki.

Solution code: Please enter the 18 digits of Row 6 followed by Column 3.

Last changed on on 25. September 2021, 23:01

Solved by SirWoezel, Godrick, Sktx, Filto, Emphyrio, soroush, kaitoJD
Full list


on 21. August 2021, 18:58 by Emphyrio
Weird mix of rules but very fun pieces of logic :)

on 20. August 2021, 22:36 by Filto
Took me way too much time to understand rule 16...so sorry I didn't notice it earlier! Thanks a lot :)

This puzzle was nice, reminded me a bit of your first XV puzzles with lots of rules and where I need to give my brain some time to think properly. I guess it's a bit less popular amongst solvers but still nice to solve!

Last changed on 19. August 2021, 20:35

on 19. August 2021, 14:25 by SirWoezel
Finished this in just under 2 hours. But the first 15 minutes or so were spent by only staring and scratching the old noggin'. Lots of fun!

I am glad that you liked it. After the beating I took on my last puzzle, I was nervous about putting this one out. I hope the solve was smooth and constant for you. And as always, thank you much for the solve! ~ZH

Solved:7 times
Observed:10 times

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