ABC-Box Skyscraper - From A Window
(Published on 18. August 2021, 18:58 by DiMono)
This is a hybrid puzzle combining ABC-Box with Skyscrapers, inspired by
this puzzle by ibag. For those who are familiar with both puzzle types, the yellow cells are a skyscraper grid, the white cells are an ABC-Box grid, and letters adjacent to yellow cells are crypto skyscraper clues from 1-3. For everyone else, here are the rules:
White cells are an ABC-Box: fill the white cells with A B and C according to clues outside the grid. Letter clues indicate which letter to use next, but not how many. Number clues indicate how many of the next letter to use, but not what the letter is. ? clues indicate some number of some letter, to be determined. Consecutive clues must use different letters (i.e. 2A1 cannot mean AAAC).
Yellow cells are a Skyscrapers grid. Digits from 1-4 represent the heights of buildings, with taller buildings hiding smaller buildings behind them. Digits may not repeat in a row/column.
The ABC clues adjacent to the yellow squares are crypto clues for the Skyscrapers grid, representing values from 1-3. These clues indicate how many buildings can be "seen" when looking in that direction. i.e. AC2431BB would mean C = 2 and B = 3.
Solve on Penpa
Answer Check and Solution Code expect uppercase letters to be used.
Solution code: The diagonal from top-left to bottom-right, followed by the diagonal from bottom-left to top-right (i.e. AB1234BBCC4321AB)
Last changed on on 22. October 2023, 05:03
Solved by zuzanina, Zzzyxas, Jesper, r45, ibag, Statistica, moss, CJK, marcmees, Mody, SudokuExplorer, SPREVVIE, Puzzle_Maestro, MagnusJosefsson, Dandelo, Myxo, Mjb99, Mark Sweep, IGoUnseen, Skyler, AnnaTh, Vebby, bob, Luigi, ffricke, ildiko, misko, rimodech, PixelPlucker, sf2l, StefanSch, grkles, polar, CastleSheepside, ManuH, ch1983, Ulistef, szabog
on 22. October 2023, 05:03 by DiMono
Fixed puzzle link
on 19. August 2023, 15:18 by szabog
Not very difficult, but very enjoyable. Thank you :)
Last changed on 24. August 2021, 18:20on 24. August 2021, 13:26 by Luigi
Ich möchte den Kommentar von Mody noch unterstreichen:
Sehr fies, sehr klasse!
@Luigi - Danke, freut mich, dass es dir gefallen hat
on 22. August 2021, 10:23 by AnnaTh
Hatte mir schon an Gabis Rätsel die Zähne ausgebissen. Aber wenn man sich konzentriert, geht es schön logisch durch. Sehr schön!
on 19. August 2021, 20:02 by SudokuExplorer
Very nice interactions of the two puzzle types, thanks! :-)
Last changed on 19. August 2021, 17:49on 19. August 2021, 17:33 by Mody
Fies, aber klasse ;)
@Mody: Dankeschön
on 19. August 2021, 15:15 by marcmees
Nice. Thanks.
on 19. August 2021, 09:18 by ibag