Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Thermo Killer

(Published on 16. August 2021, 11:45 by DVFrank)

Normal Thermo and Killer Sudoku rules apply, that is: The sum of the digits in a cage is given in the topleft corner of that cage. Digits on thermometers must strictly increase from the bulb end.

F-puzzles link

Enjoy! :^)

Solution code: Row 5 (left to right)

Solved by Cane_Puzzles, SKORP17, butch02, cdwg2000, wilsig, Joseph nehme, Isa, Sorcar, chuffinora, Greg, FlxCat, kolot, Bellsita, Raistlen, Playmaker6174, ___, bedabidi, weiken, ManuH, gige, Uhu, Jesper, ... Corey115, zorant, Simondrom, bob, karen_birgitta, Kimyee, Omnicole, ocular, RayneHaleOfficial, lovely, zlotnleo, PotatoHead21, PinkNickels, LadyRuatha, shafer, apwelho, lmdemasi, EmX68, mezkur7
Full list


on 1. June 2024, 11:12 by mezkur7
Sudokupad: https://sudokupad.app/3qarkes61e

on 27. September 2021, 22:48 by RayneHaleOfficial
fun puzzle! :)

Last changed on 16. August 2021, 22:26

on 16. August 2021, 18:43 by Playmaker6174
Very fun puzzle, don't know why but I laughed a lot after finding the break-in :D

[That's nice to hear :) Thanks!]

Last changed on 16. August 2021, 14:55

on 16. August 2021, 14:10 by cdwg2000
Finally made a puzzle that is very suitable for everyone to play together, :)

[I don't quite understand, but it sounds nice! Thanks :)]

******Good job, enjoy it!

Rating:92 %
Solved:82 times
Observed:8 times

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