Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Tribute to Gene Roddenberry

(Published on 19. August 2021, 00:01 by Florian Wortmann)


Gene Roddenberry is the creator of Star Trek. He was born on August 19th 1921 and for his 100th birthday I have set this tribute puzzle.

The thermos depict the Starfleet emblem. Gene's birthday 19.8.21 is reflected both in the killer totals and in the clues outside the grid. The given digits 1966 represent the year in which Star Trek first aired on television.

Links: f-puzzles / ctc-app


Normal Sudoku rules.

Digits along a Thermometer increase from the bulb.

The sandwich clue outside the grid shows the sum of the digits sandwiched between the 1 and the 9 in that column.

Little Killer
Clues outside the grid show the sum of the digits along the indicated diagonal. Digits can repeat along this diagonal if allowed by the other rules.

Digits in cages sum to the small number in the top left corner of the cage.

Cells connected by a white dot contain consecutive digits. Not all possible dots are given.


Solution code: row 8 and column 8

Last changed on on 24. October 2021, 13:13

Solved by SKORP17, john9, jchan18, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Greg, irq, Donna Mitt, kimilsung, Statistica, zorant, StefanSch, jimblek, gige, CyberMonkey, SimiC, cfop, ___, JayAreEee, Eggmountains, Raistlen, samuella, ... Just me, apwelho, Krokant, zhergan, bolado, Ye Nay Myo Han, pepe74287, dennischen, 999ARMEN999, Carolin, galium_odoratum, LadyShapeShifter, Julianl, lerroyy, mezkur7, sandmoppe, dendrobium
Full list


on 24. October 2021, 13:13 by Florian Wortmann
Added ctc-app link

Last changed on 20. August 2021, 22:54

on 20. August 2021, 16:42 by CHalb
Sehr schön gemacht. Zähle mich ebenfalls zu den Star Trek-Fans, bin auch 1966 geboren und hätte fast Statisticas Kommentar schlicht kopiert ;-). Vielen Dank!
Danke dir :-)

Last changed on 19. August 2021, 10:39

on 19. August 2021, 09:12 by Statistica
Sehr schöne Idee. Bin auch Trekkie-Fan und 1966 geboren. Vielen Dank!
Danke, freut mich, dass es dir gefällt. Da bist du ja im richtigen Jahr geboren :-)

Rating:90 %
Solved:84 times
Observed:12 times

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