Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Baba Dot Com

(Published on 17. August 2021, 08:00 by twototenth)

Happy birthday to the best dad I could possibly have asked for!

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Digits in cages must sum to the total in the top-left corner; digits may not repeat with in a cage. The cells on diagonals indicated by arrows outside the grid must add to the total given on the arrow; digits may repeat along diagonals if allowed by other rules.

F-puzzles link: Link to solve online

Solution code: Row 7 followed by column 7, no spaces

Last changed on -

Solved by PulverizingPancake, cfop, DVFrank, chippers, GD20, SKORP17, Nunya, jchan18, Greg, Count Knersis, minus2ev, weiken, koba1917, apendleton, Selsted, Swarley, thoughtbyte, adam001, ashwin, barer, ... Realshaggy, lovely, Piatato, nordloc, HelloKetene, zlotnleo, ParaNox, geronimo92, Crul, morgannamodeaura, vmirandaa, rcg, Vebby, cdwg2000, zrbakhtiar, NineK, Uhu, ManuH, PippoForte, PinkNickels
Full list


on 19. August 2021, 22:37 by taylorsc
Very nice puzzle! I had a lot of fun solving it.

on 17. August 2021, 22:49 by thoughtbyte
Really nice puzzle! Thanks

Rating:92 %
Solved:66 times
Observed:8 times

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