Solution code: The next 6 numbers with "-" between each. Example: 6-7-8-9-10-11
on 28. March 2024, 00:18 by Will Power
@Banana Thank you for completing "Sequence Master". I hope you liked it. -Will Power
on 26. August 2021, 15:26 by Dandelo
Just answer in English. Everybody understands it and otherwise could translate it, if wanted. When we comment puzzles or discuss in German, we also expect that you use e.g. Google translator, if you want to read it.
If you use your own language, the danger of unintended rude language is almost 0.
And if you use a translator to put it into (maybe wrong) German and the next one takes the result and translates to Chinese it will be even worse.
on 26. August 2021, 15:11 by Will Power
To all who do not speak English: I have translated my comments to German using Google Translate. I now see that some of the translations, when I translate back to English, have a tone of superiority that I never intended to imply. Forgive me if any of my past or future comments seem this way in German. It is not intentional. Thank you.
on 26. August 2021, 14:47 by Will Power
@Luigi I do not want to give too much away, however: Consider that each pair you are working with has a third logical digit that is not shown in the sequence. Thank you for your efforts and tenacity to solve this. I sent this comment in 2021, but did not add the "@Luigi" in front. So, maybe you never saw it. Sorry if this is so.
on 23. August 2021, 09:41 by CJK
@Will Power:
There are two (actually four) sorts of comments:
- Normal comments (like this one), which can be seen by everyone
- Hidden comments (marked red), which can only be seen by the author of the puzzle, the author of the induvidual comment and everyone who solved the puzzle.
(Also there are:
- Puzzle change comments (marked blue, done by the author if he changes the puzzle in some way), can be seen by everyone
- Puzzle change comments, done by mods (marked green), can be seen by everyone)
All comment changes, which can only be done by the author of the puzzle and the author of the individual comment (and I think by mods as well, but I'm not sure) can also be seen by everyone who could see the comment in first place.
on 22. August 2021, 23:02 by Will Power
I am not sure if Luigi saw my comments to him already. My fault for editing his comments on August 17 and August 18. I should have found this method to add my own comment first.
on 22. August 2021, 21:39 by CJK
Ich hoffe, ich verrate jetzt nicht zu viel, aber zumindest für mich galt:
Der Weg vom "richtigen Ansatz" zur "vollständigen Lösung" ist ziemlich kurz, die Schwierigkeit liegt darin, in die richtige Richtung zu denken. Und auch wenn diese nicht unbedingt offensichtlich ist, ist sie eigentlich (meiner Meinung nach) gar nicht so weit hergeholt
on 22. August 2021, 16:16 by Dandelo
Ich habe auch nicht viel geschafft. Eine Ahnung, in welche Richtung es gehen könnte, habe ich wohl. Ein, zwei Muster habe ich auch gesehen, wenn man das überhaupt Muster nennen kann
on 22. August 2021, 15:20 by Schachus
kann man einen Tipp bekommen? Ich finde ein paar Muster, aber bekomme es nicht zusammen.
Von Will Power:
Ich möchte jedoch nicht zu viel verraten: Bedenken Sie, dass jedes Paar, mit dem Sie arbeiten, eine dritte logische Ziffer hat, die in der Sequenz nicht angezeigt wird. Vielen Dank für Ihre Bemühungen und Hartnäckigkeit, um dies zu lösen.