Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Fruit Basket for Olima

(Published on 6. August 2021, 05:30 by panthchesh)

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Nonogram/Japanese Sum Sudoku rules apply. This is a 3-color sudoku: red, green, and yellow. Sums are of shaded cells. If all the cells in a row or column are the same color, then the clue is that color as well. (blue clues represent yellow). Any clue in black represents clues in more than one color (each grouping is a different clue, so 5 20 could mean a group of blue adding to 5 and a group of purple adding to 20). A blank space is required between groups of the same color, but not between other colors.

There are 2 magic squares hidden within the puzzle. One is COMPLETELY contained within 1 color. It's the only spot where there is a 3x3 box of 1 color anywhere in the grid. One is completely contained outside the colored areas, and again, it's the only spot that's a 3x3 box without color anywhere in the grid.

The white dot in the grid goes between consecutive numbers. There is no negative constraint on Kropki white dots.


Solution code: Row 1 Column 9

Last changed on on 8. August 2021, 03:45

Solved by Dentones, Luigi, Dandelo, marcmees, Vebby, saskia-daniela, SudokuExplorer, Krokant, Lara Croft, ParaNox, Uhu, OGRussHood, Smoncko, apwelho
Full list


on 8. August 2021, 03:45 by panthchesh
A magic square is a 3x3 square where every row, column and diagonal adds to 15. An example of a magic square is:

2 9 4
7 5 3
6 1 8

(This comment is added as well as a slight change to the categories -- thanks Sudoku Explorer!)

Last changed on 7. August 2021, 03:01

on 6. August 2021, 13:30 by Dandelo
And what is this???? There's a link to the solution.

I think it is absolutely not wanted here, that you post a puzzle and at the same time the solution.

Panthera: Funny, this is the first comment someone has made about this -- and I have posted (in a comment usually) Rangsk's livesolve every time.

Dandelo: Usually I start the portal via "no sudokus" and I don't solve too many of them, so I usually don't read the comments to sudokus.
But again: I think it to be strange to post the puzzle here together with a link to the solution as a normal comment. As a hidden comment it would be ok.

Panthera: Some people find this variant very hard to do.. so you are saying if they can't figure it out, then they shouldn't learn how to do it?? I prefer to let people learn how to do it. They can decide if they should get "credit" on the system for it or not.. I don't think most people will give themselves credit if they have to look up the whole solution.

Last changed on 6. August 2021, 15:17

on 6. August 2021, 11:56 by Luigi
Very nice fruit basket!

Man sollte nicht gleich alle Sudokus ignorieren.

Sehr schöne Variante, hat mir sehr gut gefallen.

Den Schwierigkeitsgrad würde ich eher bei drei Sternen ansetzen.

Panthera: The degree of difficulty might be off. Feel free to rate it as you feel appropriate!

Last changed on 6. August 2021, 15:09

on 6. August 2021, 07:14 by bigger
May I ask how many color is involved in this puzzle? Should I duduce it myself?

Panthera: 3 colors

on 6. August 2021, 05:31 by panthchesh
Thanks Rangsk for featuring this puzzle on your livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFG0ifaf3uY&t=8297s

Rating:89 %
Solved:14 times
Observed:9 times

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