Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

King Cobra

(Published on 6. August 2021, 21:16 by Godrick)

Normal sudoku rules apply.
Each row, column and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Standard anti-king rules apply.
Cells separated by a chess kings's move cannot contain the same digit.

See beneath the puzzle for examples on the snake rules:

The snake starts in the circle in box 1 and ends in the central circle in box 5. The snake can not touch itself even diagonally, and does not branch.

The snake ‘moves’ according to the following rule: from the beginning in box 1 it will travel exactly the number of digits in the starting cell either vertically or horizontally (include the cell it starts to travel, so from top to bottom would be a 9). After traveling that number of cells, the snake must turn. It will then travel straight in the new direction for a number of cells equal to the cell it turned in. The snake must continue to travel this way until it reaches «the end» in the central square.

Extra scattered region.
There is an extra "scattered region" along the snake. The region follows the standard sudoku-rules, so each row, column and box will have exactly one cell from the extra region (but anti-king does not apply when figuring out were the extra region is). The digits in the extra region increase strictly from 1 to 9 so that 1 is closest to the start of the snake, and 9 closest to the end. The purple colored cell is one of the 9 cells of the scattered region.

Try the puzzle on:

Snake move example
6x6 grid showing how the rules for moving the snake works. First 5 down from the start in box 1, then 3 towards the right, then 2 up etc. The snake must turn 90 degrees after the designated number of steps.

Scattered region example
6x6 grid showing a "scattered" region. Notice how all the purple cells form a kind of 10th digit with only one purple cell in each row, column and box (but no anti-king rule apply). Also notice that the numbers increase strictly from 1 to 6 as the cells progress along the snake from the beginning to the end.

Solution code: Row 7, Column 8

Solved by ___, Elliott810, Dentones, henrypijames, Chilly, juhish, bigger, Calesch
Full list


Last changed on 11. August 2021, 23:33

on 11. August 2021, 18:07 by juhish
Really fun, thank you so much!

[Reply] Thank you so much! Very glad you liked it. Best regards, Godrick/Martin

Last changed on 7. August 2021, 20:42

on 7. August 2021, 18:09 by Chilly
Nice puzzle - the snake is an interesting ruleset I hadn't seen before. Thanks.

[Reply] Thank you for your nice words, and thanks again for testing the puzzle! Kind regards, Godrick/Martin

Last changed on 7. August 2021, 20:46

on 7. August 2021, 15:34 by henrypijames
Finding the snake was a lot of fun (and not too hard), but the remaining sudoku was quite hard (and not that fun). Of course, it's always possible (if not likely) that I just missed some crucial logic in the sudoku part.

[Reply] Thank you. I don't think you missed any crucial part of the sudoku in the "end". It ended up as slightly harder then I wanted to, but this was the best compromize I managed to find. I like the rule set of the snake, and will probably try to work out an even smoother one another day :-) Thanks for solving! Best regards, Godrick/Martin

Last changed on 7. August 2021, 12:46

on 7. August 2021, 06:24 by Elliott810
phantastic puzzle thx

[reply] Thank you so much! Very happy you liked it! Best, Godrick/Martin

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Observed:11 times

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