Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Intersections Sudoku #2 (6x6)

(Published on 4. August 2021, 00:21 by RockyRoer)

This puzzle uses a new rules set I call 'Intersections'. If you enjoyed this, please check out the first version for a more challenging one: Intersections #1

The Rules:

  1. Normal sudoku rules apply
  2. Numbers in killer cages cannot repeat.
  3. [Intersections]Numbers in squares represent the sum of all cells that are in the 'intersection' of the two killer cages - that is, all the numbers they have in common. Not all intersections have been marked.
    • Between a 1345 and 1456 cage, a square with 10 could be placed.
    • If a 1345 is connected to another cage by a 7, the other cage must contain a 34 and cannot contain a 1 or 5.

The Puzzle:

Link to solve on f-puzzles:

Solution code: Column 1 and column 6, top to bottom (12 digits)

Solved by OhHeyGuysItsMax, bigger, Nairi, thoughtbyte, Willy Wonka, RJBlarmo, Cane_Puzzles, FlxCat, nunc, Phistomefel, saskia-daniela, Steven R, Playmaker6174, Storm, TimE, SirWoezel, marcmees, Pibonacci, ... sloffie, JapanHasRice, PrimeWeasel, hurrdurr, ParaNox, Franjo, charge728, Raistlen, twobear, zorant, Puzzle Farmer, Krokant, Siebuhh, Mody, moeri, zrbakhtiar, Vebby, Saskia, Stoer, DerRiese, Gotroch
Full list


on 4. August 2021, 12:36 by Playmaker6174
This rule is likely to have some really good potentials here :)

on 4. August 2021, 12:19 by Steven R
Enjoyed this new ruleset, a really fun introduction.

on 4. August 2021, 03:20 by thoughtbyte
Very fun rule set! Look forward to seeing more of it.

Rating:87 %
Solved:58 times
Observed:10 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool Small

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