Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits on a thermometer must strictly increase from the bulb end. Cells with grey circles must contain odd numbers. Cells with grey squares must contain even numbers. Neighboring digits marked with a white Kropki dot are consecutive. Neighboring digits marked with a black Kropki dot have a 2 to 1 ratio. Not all dots are given. For clarity, there is a 3-cell thermo with bulb in R2C5 ending in R1C6. Comments welcome!
Solution code: First row of puzzle, and fourth column of puzzle (read top to bottom). Enter as a string of 18 digits, no spaces.
on 1. December 2021, 19:42 by Moses*
Sehr schönes Puzzle, schneller Einstieg und geschmeidig durchmarschiert zum Finish. Da kommt Freude auf! :D
Besten Dank an PDN
** Gut gemacht!
on 8. September 2021, 08:10 by Geti
Very nice puzzle! Especially the steady difficulty (at least for me;) from beginning to end was very enjoyable.
Edit: Good to hear. I don't always succeed with keeping it fun from start to finish. Thanks for giving it a go!