Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Constrained Arrows

(Published on 2. August 2021, 03:37 by libertarianlp)

Constrained Arrows

My first sudoku submission here, hope everyone enjoys.


1. Standard Sudoku rules apply

2. Digits within a cage may not repeat, and must add to the sum if provided

3. Digits along an arrow must add to the circled digit from which it came

4. Digits aside a ratio dot must follow 1:2

5. Digits along a thermometer must increase from the bulb

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Happy Solving!

Solution code: Type Row 2 left to right then Row 8 left to right.

Last changed on on 2. August 2021, 08:19

Solved by baracartas, Greg, cdwg2000, antiknight, manushand, DiMono, Elliott810, Klomp, butch02, Count Knersis, SKORP17, cfop, Lakritze, beesquestionmark, sgreer, tallcat, lksso, Cowbear, Julianl, jhuijts, samuella, CyberMonkey, koba1917, soroush, Raistlen, geronimo92, saskia-daniela, Nairi, zorant, Subbookkeepper, Burakiez, ManuH, lovely, PinkNickels, rcg, Crul, Schesam, zrbakhtiar, jalebc
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on 8. January 2025, 09:22 by abadx
CTC link: https://sudokupad.app/hhqwp9ov5b

on 3. August 2021, 04:28 by tallcat
Nice puzzle for a first submission. I'd put it at a low 3/5 difficulty. Some fun interactions though.

on 2. August 2021, 08:19 by libertarianlp

on 2. August 2021, 04:38 by cdwg2000

Rating:83 %
Solved:39 times
Observed:10 times

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