Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The beginning

(Published on 31. July 2021, 22:26 by Dave252)

The beginning

Here is my first puzzle, hope you like it:)


1. Normal sudoku rules apply

2. Digits on the arrow must sum up to the number in the circle. Digits can repeat if allowed by sudoku.


Happy Solving !!!

Solution code: fourth row followed by fourth column, no commas.

Solved by SKORP17, PotatoHead21, Prutsbeest, OhHeyGuysItsMax, manushand, kolot, cdwg2000, El Padre, Isa, Joseph nehme, Playmaker6174, Dina, abed hawila, ecavalli, rey, pippilotta, wilsig, Wonderment, ... mlkj, Subbookkeepper, KyleBaran, ManuH, XoZu, morgannamodeaura, zorant, peep50183, Crul, vmirandaa, rcg, Just me, bolado, Schesam, zrbakhtiar, PinkNickels, jalebc, damasosos92, Myxo, flaemmchen
Full list


on 20. August 2021, 05:24 by KyleBaran
I quite liked how the logic on the arrow at the top of C4 worked.

Last changed on 1. August 2021, 17:57

on 1. August 2021, 17:17 by Dave252
@Wentel21 Thank you, glad you liked it:)

on 1. August 2021, 17:17 by Dave252
@Ramzy253 Thank you, glad you liked it:)

Last changed on 1. August 2021, 16:57

on 1. August 2021, 16:57 by wentel21
Very nice logic, loved it <3 thx for this enjoyable puzzle!

on 1. August 2021, 16:20 by Ramzy253
Great puzzle ! Keep it up :)

on 1. August 2021, 11:22 by Dave252
@Playmaker6174 thank you for the encouragement:) glad you liked it!

on 1. August 2021, 10:27 by Playmaker6174
Very good for the first puzzle, hope to see more interesting stuffs from you :)

Last changed on 1. August 2021, 11:12

on 1. August 2021, 09:58 by Dave252
@Joseph nehme thank you, i am really glad you liked it:)

on 1. August 2021, 09:57 by Dave252
@El Padre thank you for your kind words:)

on 1. August 2021, 08:53 by Joseph nehme
What a lovely first puzzle. Enjoyed it a lot. :)

on 1. August 2021, 07:04 by El Padre
Amazing work with only one constraint!! Looking forward for your future puzzles :)

Rating:91 %
Solved:73 times
Observed:12 times

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