Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 30. July 2021, 18:44 by abed hawila)


  • Normal Sudoku rules apply.
  • Consecutive Prime Numbers rules: two cells connected by a Red Circle must contain two consecutive Prime numbers. For example, 3 and 5 can be connected with a red circle.
  • 6 or 11 rules: two cells connected by a Green Diamond must sum to either 6 or 11, those sums must be deduced by the solver.
  • Not all circles and diamonds are given.

f-puzzle link

Solution code: Row 2 Column 6

Solved by SKORP17, PulverizingPancake, Nunya, Cane_Puzzles, twototenth, manushand, Playmaker6174, Vebby, WarriorKitten, zorant, Mr.Menace, purpl, ParaNox, zlotnleo, nordloc, Qodec, PrimeWeasel, Hecspeed, Crul, apwelho, Sewerin, Just me, jalebc, Saskia24, StephenR
Full list


on 16. January 2022, 19:26 by Hecspeed
A nice logical puzzle. Everything falls smoothly into place

on 16. January 2022, 17:24 by PrimeWeasel
It's such fun to work with new logic. This one wasn't too hard, and a real pleasure to solve. Thanks for the puzzle abed!

on 6. October 2021, 19:25 by purpl
What an incredible construction this puzzle is! You found just the right combination :)

on 4. October 2021, 19:38 by Mr.Menace
Very interesting ruleset, and cool logic as always!

on 3. August 2021, 22:44 by Vebby
Very nice! I reiterate @twototenth's comment :)

on 1. August 2021, 09:40 by Playmaker6174
Very fun and neat puzzle with some tight logics in there, I had a great time with it :)

on 1. August 2021, 04:28 by twototenth
Really nice puzzle! The ruleset isn't intuitive at all but it actually coordinates very nicely. Enjoyable from start to finish.

Rating:93 %
Solved:25 times
Observed:12 times

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