Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Only Rounds (Sudoku)

(Published on 28. July 2021, 20:20 by PDN777)

Normal sudoku rules apply. Neighboring digits marked with a white Kropki dot are consecutive. Neighboring digits marked with a black Kropki dot have a 2 to 1 ratio. Not all dots are given. Digits in a quadruple circle must appear in the surrounding cells. Comments welcome!

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Solution code: First row of puzzle, and fourth column of puzzle (read top to bottom). Enter as a string of 18 digits, no spaces.

Solved by SKORP17, AKpK17, john9, manushand, skywalker, Timaoes, jchan18, ens6nba, PulverizingPancake, adam001, Nusi, SudokuExplorer, thoughtbyte, sandini, Nairi, Greg, Steven R, Sherpa, GremlinSA, e7odie, ... haligonian, bolado, Deepus, MoHaMeD05, jorgenunez, Jodelbanane, Carolin, zrbakhtiar, bbutrosghali, Hajuhn, Moses*, Saskia, PinkNickels, Kekes, Montikulum, Crul, pepe74287, naggy, tgstar, augsod
Full list


on 17. June 2023, 03:31 by Moses*
Puuuh ...for my taste, this one was hard to crack because it had soooo many IF-THEN options. Tough cookie!
Thank for sharing

Last changed on 29. July 2021, 16:39

on 29. July 2021, 08:14 by Markyboy
Nice puzzle. I must have been making some obvious mistakes as it took me about 5 goes to solve this. I was forever thinking how come only 1 star?

Edit: Thanks for giving it a go. Hmmm... must have been trickier than I thought, as you are not alone. The rating just went up to 2 stars. In any event, I'm glad you made it thru!

Rating:81 %
Solved:111 times
Observed:7 times

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