Normal sudoku rules apply. Neighboring digits marked with a white Kropki dot are consecutive. Neighboring digits marked with a black Kropki dot have a 2 to 1 ratio. Not all dots are given. Digits in a quadruple circle must appear in the surrounding cells. Comments welcome!
Solution code: First row of puzzle, and fourth column of puzzle (read top to bottom). Enter as a string of 18 digits, no spaces.
on 17. June 2023, 03:31 by Moses*
Puuuh ...for my taste, this one was hard to crack because it had soooo many IF-THEN options. Tough cookie!
Thank for sharing
on 29. July 2021, 08:14 by Markyboy
Nice puzzle. I must have been making some obvious mistakes as it took me about 5 goes to solve this. I was forever thinking how come only 1 star?
Edit: Thanks for giving it a go. Hmmm... must have been trickier than I thought, as you are not alone. The rating just went up to 2 stars. In any event, I'm glad you made it thru!