Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Seven Heaven

(Published on 28. July 2021, 06:49 by Big Tiger)


Standard Sudoku Rules apply to the final numerical layout.

Two orthogonal cells connected by a small white dot sum to 7. All possible small white cells are given.

Four cells connected by a large white dot will have exactly one pair of diagonal cells summing to 7. All possible large white dots are given.

Little Killer Arrows outside the grid indicate all possible diagonals that sum to a multiple of 7. (Dashes are just the result of leaving the arrow blank on F-puzzles.)


Setter's Notes :: July 25, 2021 :: I thought about an XV puzzle but felt like I wanted something just a little different. So it became sevens instead.

Solution code: Row 7, then Row 8

Solved by marcmees, Jesper, SKORP17, cfop, SirWoezel, Mody, Phistomefel, Richard
Full list


Last changed on 5. September 2022, 08:42

on 17. August 2022, 09:05 by Richard
Another beauty!
Sometimes I am a bit lazy, and I didn't copy all the rules on my print-out of the puzzle. The fact that all LK-clues are given, would have helped me a lot; since it wasn't on my sheet, I couldn't use the impact of it and therefor this one cost me a lot more time than necessary. Anyhow: I enjoyed every minute of my solve (and it were a lot of minutes), going through different stages, using exactly the method described by Mody.
Thanks for this gem, that also made me wonder how long you must have needed to write it!


From Big Tiger: Well, thank you, and I see you've been busy catching up on some of my older puzzles!

I confess I'm not the Setting Wizard some may think. I come up with a basic idea, scatter numbers about on the grid, and then test the thing to see if it works, see if there's ANY way to logically conquer it. I got lucky with this one...

Last changed on 11. September 2021, 22:46

on 11. September 2021, 10:47 by Mody
Großartiges Rätselvergnügen.
Es hat viel Spaß gemacht, mit Platzhaltern für die drei Siebener-Kombinationen nach und nach die Werte zu finden.
Great puzzle fun.
It was a nice pleasure to find the exact values with placeholders for the three combinations of seven.

*** Thank you!

on 28. July 2021, 13:09 by marcmees
lucky 7 ? thanks for the puzzle.

Solved:8 times
Observed:7 times

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