Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 25. July 2021, 18:01 by Klomp)

Normal Sudoku rules apply

The digits on the arrow must sum to the total in the pill of the arrow

Along the indicated diagonal the digits must sum to the total given. Digits may repeat on the diagonal when allowed by Sodoku rules

A white dot indicates the two connected digits have a difference of 1, a black dot indicates the two connected digits are in a 1:2 ratio. Not all possible dots are given

The killer kage is a clone of the pill of the arrow


Solution code: row 5 followed by column 5, 18 digits total

Solved by SKORP17, cbattles, tomruzo, john9, Mad-Tyas, Nairi, Raistlen, wilsig, Nunya, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Cane_Puzzles, Uhu, cfop, Sherpa, ymhsbmbesitwf, Dina, Marcos, nunc, Greg, kkli, cdwg2000, Joo M.Y, ... morgannamodeaura, moss, Liz, shoreline, JSmoove1099, PinkNickels, Miaocik, Schesam, metacom, Rollo, zrbakhtiar, NineK, abadx, Carolin, Saskia, Jordan Timm, Crul, drf93, jalebc, LachyDachy, Dez256
Full list


on 26. July 2021, 23:46 by Ragna
Very nice and smooth puzzle.

on 26. July 2021, 18:19 by Eloi.blok
Very nice puzzle, not too hard not too easy, perfect for me!!! Tks for the time doing it

Rating:82 %
Solved:89 times
Observed:10 times

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