* A corner cell is defined as any cell with two adjacent edges (i.e. sharing a vertex) that coincide with the edges of its region.
Solution code: The row numbers for the top row in each region (9 digits) followed by the column numbers for the leftmost column in each region (another 9 digits). e.g. 111124567112333678 (
on 6. April 2022, 15:14 by Mody
Rückfrage zur Eckzelle:
Sind mit Eckzellen diejenigen Felder gemeint, in denen das Gebiet in genau zwei Richtungen weitergeht?
Oder kann auch das Feld in Reihe1/Spalte1 ein Eckfeld sein, obwohl es drei Gebietsgrenzen hat und nur in eine Richtung weitergeht?
Query on the corner cell:
Are those fields meant by corner cells in which the region continues in exactly two directions?
Or can the field in row1/column1 also be a corner cell, although it has three boundaries and only continues in one direction?
on 24. July 2021, 20:11 by marcmees
tough but very nice construction puzzle. thanks
on 24. July 2021, 10:12 by bigger
Clean rule, though the region is a little bit boring, too easy (compared to the others). Regions don't have that much turns and very straight forward. I'm looking forward to the next odd corners region killer