Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Odd or even?

(Published on 23. July 2021, 20:35 by Jjesper)


  • Standard: Normal Sudoku rules apply. Place the digits 1 through 9 in each empty cell. Digits must not repeat within the same row, column, or box.
  • Odd or Even Lines: Along Green lines digits alternate between odd and even digits. They can include repeated digits

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Solution code: Row 3 column 9 18 digits no spaces

Last changed on on 23. July 2021, 22:11

Solved by SKORP17, DiMono, nunc, Tom1i, cbattles, cfop, zhergan, skywalker, Konzert, SudokuExplorer, Nairi, Greg, Raistlen, TimE, meowzzz, Sherpa, Klomp, TimStruggles, J_Whatley, alx, drapvi, panthchesh, Mody, ... linux203, ashwin, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Gullie, Omnicole, koba1917, 333sudoku333, ManuH, sherrick, zorant, Rollo, lovely, geronimo92, yajibei, Crul, Schesam, zrbakhtiar, damasosos92, Carolin, jalebc
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on 26. July 2021, 03:37 by KyleBaran
I had a lot of difficulty solving it, and couldn't find the logic path. Ended up hammering through it in 5 hours.

on 25. July 2021, 03:30 by TheElusivePanda
I'm not very good, this is around my skill level. I got to squish my brain a little bit. I enjoyed it very much.

on 24. July 2021, 15:53 by RootsInWermland
Really nice puzzle. I enjoyed the logic around boxes 7, 8 and 9. Thanks!

on 24. July 2021, 01:35 by TimStruggles
A really fun puzzle, I thought the solve path was pretty smooth without any major gaps, but also without giving in way too soon. Lots of fun, thanks for posting this!

on 24. July 2021, 01:08 by Klomp
Different experience for me as less proficient solver. Start was not hard but lost the solve path half way through. Was only able to finish by making a guess for box 7 :s

on 23. July 2021, 22:59 by SudokuExplorer
That was a fun and easy puzzle, thanks. :-)

You might enjoy my puzzle with a similar ruleset (id=0006OW).

on 23. July 2021, 22:11 by Jjesper
fixed a typo in the F puzzles description and changed the rating to 2 stars. thnx for the feedback :)

Last changed on 23. July 2021, 22:18

on 23. July 2021, 22:09 by Tom1i
Agreed with nunc. Nice puzzle, difficulty 2.

#EDIT: I wouldn't mind seeing more puzzles with this ruleset. Made for some fun interactions.

on 23. July 2021, 22:08 by nunc
I would give it a two **. The beginning was a bit sticky, but then it flowed nicely. I wondered that this might really work... but it did! Well done!

Last changed on 23. July 2021, 22:00

on 23. July 2021, 21:59 by DiMono
It may just be because I missed stuff, but I found this significantly more difficult than a 1-star puzzle. If you don't already know where to look next, it can take a long time to spot the next step. I enjoyed it, but tougher than advertised.

Also, there's a typo in the f-puzzles rules box: "[...] along a line I allowed by [...]"

Rating:84 %
Solved:72 times
Observed:10 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool

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