Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Renban Chains

(Published on 22. July 2021, 19:24 by GBPack)

1) Normal Sudoku rules apply.

2) Cells separated by a knight's move (in chess) may not contain the same digit.

3) Green and gold lines are renban lines, i.e., they must contain a set of consecutive, non-repeating digits in any order.

*Note: There is no difference between green and gold lines. Two colors are used to distinguish between different renban lines.

You can play it here: f-puzzles .

Solution code: Row 4 + row 9 (18 digits)

Solved by SKORP17, Julianl, ___, zhergan, cfop, jchan18, henrypijames, Steven R, marcmees, Razr, SudokuExplorer, bigger, Pibonacci, cegie, rmahus, Uhu, ManuH, zlotnleo, soroush, ocular, apwelho, KatiBru
Full list


Last changed on 23. July 2021, 18:15

on 23. July 2021, 12:51 by henrypijames
Very interesting logic - I was a bit surprised how quickly I caught on to it all.

It might be good if the anti-knight constraint is reflected in the title somehow - they're no less important than the renban lines.

Rating:91 %
Solved:22 times
Observed:13 times

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