Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Deadly Bins

(Published on 21. July 2021, 07:02 by SSG)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Killer cages: Cells within a cage must sum to the given total. Digits may not repeat in a cage.

f-puzzles: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=ydr6qemg

CTC: https://tinyurl.com/9pmd7zht

Solution code: Row 8 + Column 9 (18 digits)

Last changed on on 3. September 2021, 21:02

Solved by cdwg2000, Myxo, SKORP17, ___, Dentones, parkinson, cfop, Konzert, Tilberg, Cowbear, RockyRoer, zorant, soroush, Just me, jalebc, valle1124, mezkur7
Full list


on 3. September 2021, 21:02 by SSG
Added CTC app link.

on 26. July 2021, 04:45 by SSG
Added tags

on 21. July 2021, 10:59 by cdwg2000
Very nice!

Rating:85 %
Solved:17 times
Observed:6 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool

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