Normal sudoku rules apply.
Akari: the given digits on gray squares give the number of Akari lights orthogonally adjecent to it (they don't give info about the digit in their square in the final solution). Light bulbs illuminate all cells in horizontal and vertical lines till a shaded cell or the edge of the grid. Light bulbs cannot illuminate each other. All white squares need to be illuminated.
Liar Numbers: The clues in the white squares are liar numbers, the difference between the given and the number in the final solution is equal to the distance to the closest light that illuminates it, the difference is 0 in a square where a light is placed.
A small example puzzle can be found here, at the bottom of the puzzle description.
Solution code: Center box in reading order
on 20. July 2021, 13:34 by bigger
That 4 1s and 9s is interesting. Remind me of the previous 4 2s and 8s. I wonder what would a 5 star be like.