Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Rings and Cages

(Published on 17. July 2021, 17:46 by Steve360)

Normal sudoku rules apply
In the green ring adjacent digits add to a prime number
In the blue ring adjacent digits cannot be consecutive
Cages show their sums

link to play it online

Solution code: Row 3

Solved by Greg, Raistlen, Lozzo, steelwool, VicJameson, SKORP17, MrTibbs, Darkgrumly, sgreer, jimblek, marcmees, Marcos, zorant, Alexander Rappa, BlackApolloX, MB_Cyclist, jkl, freyad, wilsig, matiasv5, ... butch02, koba1917, rodger, bob, SirWoezel, Uhu, morgannamodeaura, zlotnleo, ParaNox, skywalker, Realshaggy, scabby, rcg, Crul, zrbakhtiar, Schesam, Carolin, jalebc, damasosos92, mezkur7, sujoyku
Full list


on 31. May 2024, 22:02 by mezkur7
Sudokupad: https://sudokupad.app/3mgrwiy84f

on 24. July 2021, 00:31 by Ragna
Das hat viel Spaß gemacht!
Dankeschön! :-))

Last changed on 21. July 2021, 16:59

on 21. July 2021, 16:22 by washyleopard
Do the ring rules apply to digits adjacent but not inside the rings? E.G. do cells R2C2 and R2C1 need to add to a prime number or no?

E: The answer is no for anyone wondering. I dont think you could have 7 in a row all with 4 adjacent cells adding to a prime but I also solved it empirically in the puzzle.

Last changed on 19. July 2021, 17:41

on 19. July 2021, 10:11 by Jakhob
I misread the rules and spent 45 minutes thinking it said the green cells all added together up to a prime number and thought it was a max/min thing. Wow do I feel silly.

* Yeah, I can relate, haha.

Hope you still had fun though.

on 18. July 2021, 23:18 by apendleton
What a fun ruleset!

on 18. July 2021, 13:47 by Marcos
Klasse Rätsel. Gerne mehr davon.

on 18. July 2021, 08:18 by jimblek
Excellent. Thanks.

Last changed on 17. July 2021, 19:16

on 17. July 2021, 18:36 by SKORP17
etwas unklar mit den Ziffern im grünen Ring, jeweils paarweise oder wie?

*Yes, two by two

Rating:89 %
Solved:76 times
Observed:9 times

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