Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Interlocking Quines

(Published on 17. July 2021, 08:19 by manushand)

Standard Sudoku Rules Apply

Quines (Colored Regions)
The sum total of all the squares in the region appears written somewhere within the region.

FOR EXAMPLE: If the sum of the digits in a region is 29, then 2 and 9 will appear adjacent to each other, left-to-right, somewhere within that region.

The digits along the arrow sum to the digit in its circle.

Palindrome Lines
The digits along a palindrome line read the same in both directions.

f-puzzles.com URL
Please try the other Quine and Quinella Puzzles!
"Stacked Quines"
"Double Quines"
"Overlapping Double Quines"
"Quine Triplets"
"Yellow Quinellas"
"More Yellow Quinellas"
"Overlapping Quinellas"
"Quines and Quinellas (6x6)"

Solution code: Row 1

Last changed on on 10. October 2021, 08:03

Solved by SKORP17, soroush
Full list


on 31. July 2021, 02:15 by soroush
Very clever resolution at the end! Loved it.

Last changed on 17. July 2021, 20:22

on 17. July 2021, 18:10 by SKORP17
wie immer hats mir gut gefallen.

manushand: Vielen Dank! Es freut mich sehr, dass dir diese Rätsel gefallen! Verbreiten Sie das Wort!

Solved:2 times
Observed:7 times

Variant combination Online solving tool Arithmetic puzzle

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